Hand-gegen-Koje bei Yachtskipper.eu

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© Yachtskipper.eu



We work on yachts, according to the principles of good seamanship. Passion for sea and ships are our drive. From tailored crew- or skipper training, to professional yacht delivery or assisted passages, through to the Management of a yacht at one location or in worldwide voyages: We are partners for industry and owners and can look back on many happy customers.

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  • Yacht delivery

© Yachtskipper.eu



We work on yachts, according to the principles of good seamanship. Passion for sea and ships are our drive. From tailored crew- or skipper training, to professional yacht delivery or assisted passages, through to the Management of a yacht at one location or in worldwide voyages: We are partners for industry and owners and can look back on many happy customers.

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  • Yacht delivery
  • Yacht delivery

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